
  why did

        it have

            to end...



This used to be our we danced together in the sport of obedience.  You were my knight in shining armor as we journeyed to many a splendid victory! 

You were my brave soldier as you endured your cancer treatments.  No partner could dance smoother in rhythmic heeling even when cancer took a limb away from your beautiful body. 

You were my greatest therapy as you always looked to each day not as a sick dog but a spirit full of life.  It was that smiling heart inside of you that helped me to have a positive outlook to the quality of our last days together.

You were my greatest medicine which helped me to allow you to live life to the fullest even thru your darkest days.


I can see your face in our secret place... You're not just a memory...for you see, my Trivet, you left behind your legacy.

I'll say goodbye to yesterday for today my  playground is new with your granddaughter Chisel...a gift I so treasure!  'She' is your greatest achievement!  For you see, my Trivs, you ARE still here with me...   Now and Forever, Jan

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